RANDRIAMPARANY Manambintsoa Hortencia

Youth and maturity as drivers

I’m Hortencia, I’m 17 years old and I graduated from high school 2 years ago. I consider myself an adult, because life has made me mature. Anyway, I avoid putting too much pressure on myself. I used to dream of becoming a French teacher. I went to a university to train in this field, but I ended up giving up because I didn’t feel that it was my path. This disappointed my mother who did everything she could to support me financially. If being stubborn is considered a flaw, I consider it a quality. Do you know why? Because I won’t give up until I know the job that suits me best. I think that becoming a secretary would be ideal. Shyness? I try to overcome it. Lack of experience? No employer really wants to hire a full-time minor.

That is why I am asking for help with the professional training to become a secretary. Ask my parents for help? I suppose they already have enough money worries, because my father is unemployed, my mother supports us alone and she still has my little sister to take care of. Friends you say? I missed a few steps in my school career, so I have almost no friends. I was 12 years old when I started high school. Considered by everyone to be a little girl, I isolated myself and have been a loner ever since. Nevertheless, I believe in a better future and I am convinced that many good things are waiting for me.



WeeklyNb week/ monthPunctualAmount/ month (Ar)Amount/ month (€)Budget for the 3 months (Ar)Budget for the 3 months (€)
Registration fee18 000
Level test6 00024 000672 00018
Tuition fees23 0004132 00033296 00099
Fees and meals25 0004100 00025300 00075
Budget256 00064768 000192


Clothing (1st month)Bag (2nd month)Decoration (3rd month)Admin monitoring & evaluationBudget for the 3 months (Ar)Budget for the 3 months (€)
Education100 000100 000100 000
Material50 00050 00050 000
Participation Fees20 000
Location22 50022 500
Budget172 500172 500170 00085 000600 000150


MonthlyNb of monthsAnnual amount (Ar)Annual amount (€)
Registration fee70 00017,5
Tuition fees40 00012480 000120
Budget550 000137,5
The program chosen by the girls
1st quarter

Perform in English or French :

192€ / 768000 Ar

2nd quarter

Learn to sew and decorate the interior

150€ / 600000 Ar

3rd quarter

Pursue higher education

136€ / 550000 Ar