Welcome to our page!

Our founder Johanna Ravomanana is honored to officially announce the launch of our fundraising campaign.

This year, we aim to broaden our impact by training and supporting more young baccalaureate holders in rural Madagascar so that they can continue their higher education.

We don’t yet have a center.
Help us raise $5000 to rehabilitate a house in Ambohimanala and transform it into an inclusive space for our young people.

Did you know that ...

75% of Madagascar lives on less than $1.90 per day

Poverty rates are particularly severe in rural areas where a majority of the population resides. Young people in rural areas do not have access to higher education. This results in lower literacy rates, limited opportunities for suitable employment, and leads to the broken social elevator.

UCY is an association based in Malaho, Bevalala, Antananarivo – Madagascar.

Our mission is to rekindle hope in the new generation, to help them move forward and realize their aspirations.

Since 2021, we have been selecting and supporting around ten young baccalaureate graduates from disadvantaged backgrounds in Antananarivo.


To achieve this, we organize training workshops lasting 3 months. By the end of the training, participants are generally in a position to make choices that are more aligned with their academic and career paths. The young people we accompany learn to overcome their blocking mentalities and define clear objectives to prepare for their future. We also collaborate with other organizations that provide French and IT courses for our young people.

At present, our courses are held outdoors. This is often restrictive, especially during rainy periods. However, renting training rooms in town represents a significant cost.

Help us raise $5000 to rehabilitate the house that will become our center and bring change to Madagascar!


By supporting our efforts to renovate this house in Ambohimanala and turn it into the new UCY youth center, you’ll be helping to build a better future for rural youth in Madagascar.

The photos above show the main entrance, the large training room and the future office.
Here are a few figures to show you the impact of your donation:
  • $50 – office supplies
  • $75 – whiteboard
  • $100 – ceiling repair
  • $150 – painting materials and labor
  • $200 -electrical installation
  • $300 – toilet renovation
  • $400 – new aluminum windows and doors
  • $600 – tiled flooring
  • $750 – chairs
  • $1000 – tables
  • $1250 – 5 computers

*every donation makes a difference and supports local workers.

We can't do it alone. Please share this page with your network to help us reach our goal.

UCY has an impact on rural youth in Madagascar. Here’s a video featuring the story of Claudia, a participant in our first wave of training.


Thank you for taking the time to read to the end and for supporting our mission!
We look forward to sharing the evolution of our activities with you, and invite you to attend our virtual inauguration ceremony. We’ll let you know the dates shortly.