Our volunteers

Fondatrice UCY

I am Johanna RAVOMANANA, I returned to Madagascar after my studies abroad in 2020.
Back home, I created the UCY association with the aim of helping young people in my community to find their ambitions and to become agents of change in society.
This project is close to my heart because I want these young people, who come from a disadvantaged social stratum, to have a better future.

I hope that through the trainings that we organize every Saturday, they will be able to find their ways and orientations.

My name is Diera. I am a law student at UCM.

I decided to become a UCY volunteer because I want to make a difference. At UCY, I like the fact that I receive as much as I give. In my opinion, UCY is different from other organizations because it helps its members break free from stereotypes and make their own way.

I’m Adriano In order to move forward in life and overcome obstacles, I had to develop my own skills.

Indeed, I am self-taught.

I joined the UCY association to help young people in difficulty to get by in life.
For me, giving is the pleasure of satisfaction”.
My mission in UCY is to transmit good positive vibes, motivate and encourage these young people not to give up.

My name is Avotra, I am 24 years old and apart from being a volunteer member of UCY, I am a sales manager at KOUNOUZ+.

Why did I join the Association? Simply because I also wanted to help young graduates who do not know what they will do or where they will go.
I strongly believe that it is by helping each other that young Madagascans can succeed.
Then, as this beautiful saying goes “there is more gain in giving than in receiving”.

I am Nancy. I joined the UCY Association because, apart from being a Christian association, its mission is to guide and accompany disadvantaged Malagasy youth.

During these months spent within the Association, I discovered another world. Much more than a simple occupation, the associative commitment allowed me to strengthen my relationship with God, to acquire skills, to accomplish tasks with concrete results, to discover and create links with new great people and especially to get out of my daily habits (my studies, my family and my work…)
Committed, I want to contribute to the building: promote the professional integration of young Malagasy.

 My name is Annick. I decided to join UCY as a volunteer because I share its values. 

I am involved in the coaching of UCY members. My desire to share, to have an impact, and to be able able to bring hope to these young people motivate me. 

My personal and professional experience will certainly help me to achieve my mission within UCY. “Know yourself, trust in God and the world will be open to you” It’s my credo!

My name is Princy, I am a student in Computer Mathematics at the University of Antananarivo.

I decided to become a volunteer because I want to contribute to positive change in my country. According to me, UCY differs from other organizations by the fact that it puts all its actions in the hands of God and that the members are dedicated to the development of the Association.

My name is Ny Aina, I am a student preparing my thesis in Professional Sociology in Social Work and Development.

I decided to become a UCY volunteer to make myself useful and to serve my surroundings and my country. As Nelson Mandela said “Education is the most powerful weapon to change the world”. So we must start by changing ourselves, our surroundings and our country. I want to propel the young people at UCY to achieve their goals so that they can flourish.

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