A little help to fly towards my dreams

My name is Erico, and I am particularly different. Curious to know why? It’s over here! Wishing to become an economist, I am currently in my first year of economics at the University of Antananarivo. So far, nothing special, right? I’ll come to that.

I am different because my French is not at its best. However, all classes are taught in French at the university. I have never been very strong in literary subjects, but I really need to master the French language to go to the Master level. Unlike the others, I often lack material. During group work, I am one of the few people who do not have a computer. However, it is an indispensable tool in my career.

You think I haven’t put in enough effort to get everything I need maybe? Think again. I have tried to find odd jobs to pay my expenses and get through college. In addition, my father, despite his efforts, is not able to completely provide for our financial needs. He is a cab driver and at one point, all the money he earned went to the care of my mother who was seriously ill. Outside of the vacations, I’m stuck in college full time. So I try to make up for it during the vacations and weekends by offering my services as a waiter or event organizer. I hope you understand that it’s hard to manage work and studies at the same time. As a result? I repeated my first year. I don’t have anyone to count on and share my worries, even the smallest ones. If you ever have any solutions to offer me, I already thank you. Whether it is material, financial or moral support, I will welcome it with open arms.



WeeklyNb week/ monthPunctualAmount/ month (Ar)Amount/ month (€)Budget for the 3 months (Ar)Budget for the 3 months (€)
Registration fee18 000
Level test6 00024 000672 00018
Tuition fees23 0004132 00033296 00099
Fees and meals25 0004100 00025300 00075
Budget256 00064768 000192


Motorcycle (1st month)Car (2nd month)Electricity (3rd month)Admin monitoring & evaluationBudget for the 3 months (Ar)Budget for the 3 months (€)
Schooling100 000155 000157 000
Right to examine10 00010 000
Participation fees20 00020 000
Permits43 000
Budget130 000228 000157 00085 000600 000150


MonthlyNumber of monthsAnnual amount (Ar)Annual amount (€)
Registration fee70 00017,5
Tuition fees40 00012480 000120
Budget550 000137,5
The program chosen by the boys
1st Quarter

Perform in English or French:

192€ / 768000 Ar

2nd Quarter

Getting your driver’s license

150€ / 600000 Ar

3rd Quarter

Pursue higher education

136€ / 550000 Ar